Sunday, 8 March 2015

Shooting: Challenges

When shooting we did have some difficulties involving different problems each time.

One problem we faced, not of a technological or skill based problem, was finding a time when we could all be at the shooting so that we were all involved. One shooting that took place only two of us attended because we could not find a near enough time that we all could make it.

Another problem we had, especially when shooting the indoors scenes with the killer, was lighting. We had to move around lamps and even hold them up so that the lighting would be in the correct place so that it revealed what we wanted to audience to see but not so much that they would know the entire narrative and keep it more the to feel of our chosen genre.

We also when shooting these scenes of the killer has to try out different angles to what we had planned to do before we started filming. The ones that we had planned to film didn't look as professional as those that we had of our victim.

Many of these problems and difficulties we managed to overcome and the outcomes of our footage from these problems was professional as they allowed us to think of new ideas to film.

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