Monday, 22 September 2014

Evaluation of Recording Voice-over:

Today (Monday 22nd September) we went to the recording studio around 2 o'clock to record an audio clip, which we plan to use in our trailer. One of our main ideas is to have a news reader reporting on the case and to have it playing on the radio with our killer listening to it. We enlisted the help of some of our friends, one of which has a good natural diction and accent and the other with a good knowledge of music programs and experience with the recording studio.

Our friend Emily went into the booth in preparation for recording, however we had a few technical problems, either with the headphones, the microphones or the computer itself. Luckily we managed to sort it out and we could start recording. We wanted a few phrases, that would sound like a breaking news segment so they wouldn't go into too much detail but just enough to give the audience hints about the plot.

"There has been a development in the ongoing case involving the murder of homeless teenagers within the suburbs of London. So far there have been a total of 8 deaths in the past 8 years. Scotland Yard has been following the case, three suspects have been identified, but no arrests have been made."
This is the 'script' for the initial voice-over that we are going with although it may be altered slightly, for example we found an effect on Logic where it made the voice sound more like it was coming from a radio or television. However, apart from the technical issues, I think we are more confident in using the recording studio to create voice-overs and the afternoon was successful in helping us progress with our final piece.

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