As part of our trailer, we wanted to include evidence of the previous murders our serial killer has committed and we decided to do this in Polaroid form. Instead of using an actual Polaroid camera, there's a website where you can submit pictures taken with a phone or camera and they will be printed in Polaroid form and sent back to you.
As we decided our killer will have murdered 8 girls in the past 8 years, we asked 7 of our friends (and me) if we could take a photo of them looking like a homeless teenager. We were able to take them in school as the pictures would be close-ups of their face and only a small amount of the background would be shown, enough to show the location.
Catherine G: (left)
For this shot we liked the effect of the wooden door with all the paint peeling away and also the scaffolding at the side.
Catherine is wearing a blue jumper and black trousers and we asked her to sit up against the scaffolding in the corner as if she is trying to keep warm.
When Megan was taking the shot, we tried to include the scaffolding in the framing and I think in the final one we've chosen it works quite well as it adds the stalker element to it.
Emily: (right)
We got Emily to sit next to a "Corrosive" sign and I liked the symbolism represented through the idea of danger. She is wearing a brown hoodie and dark trousers although you won't be able to see them properly in the actual shot. Emily is covering her face, which shows her bruises and to hint that she is scared and also gives an idea that she wants to remain anonymous to the public and is ashamed to show her face.
Gemma: (left)
For this shot, we made Gemma crouch down by a drainpipe which reinforces the phrase 'living in the gutter'. She's wearing a grey baggy jumper, has messy hair and also a bruise on her face to show she's been in some sort of a fight.
We also asked her to look behind her as if something or someone has scared her and I think this is quite effective.

Hayley: (right)
For my shot, Alice made my face look really dirty and messed my hair slightly. I wore a hoodie with a jacket over the top so I was layering my clothes. We thought it would be a good idea to use the garage door as the background to show the urban setting of film. I also looked into the distance, similar to Gemma's shot above.
Polly: (below)
We selected a wooden door by an old shed on our school grounds as our background for this shot. Polly is wearing a blue faded hoodie and again is crouched on the floor to make her more inferior. Similar to Emily, she is covering her face so we can see her injured knuckles, but looks more like she could be crying and upset rather than just ashamed of her position.

Catherine S: (left)
Catherine is wearing a burgundy beanie and a grey hoodie with black trousers, In the actual shot we decided to have her not wearing glasses as I don't think a young homeless teenager would be able to afford them or they might have been stolen/broken. She is sitting by some stairs and again in the shot we can see cars in the background, hinting she is at a car park. We also asked her to have her hand over her mouth slightly, almost in shock which shows how upset she is to be homeless and vulnerable.
Pooja: (right)
In our school park, there is a rubbish area and we noticed the wooden panelling and the shopping trolley and thought it would be a good area for one of our homeless girls to sit. Pooja is wearing a grey hoodie and we asked her to look really desolate and innocent and lean up against the panel.
Megan also did a post about our final shots which you can see